How about Faygo or Crush
Recent community posts
1. Girls cabins - I would suggest having three main choices here with the ability to gain or lose affection. The main choices I would do is Talk, Hang out, and after enough affection is gained sexually oriented choices. Each of these choices would of course have sub categories. Talk I would have about her, her home world, and her species or other species(this is a good area to drop lore) can add affection points for this. Hang out is a good place to add or subtract affection points depending on choice, I would do sub categories such as read a book, watch a movie, play games, and listen to music, picking the right sub category and right type in the sub category gains affection as to the wrong choice could subtract affection. Now the last is sexually oriented which needs to be affection point based I would start with cuddling and work from there.
2. Showers I would Designate certain persons at certain times and according to affection points have it go from get the fuck out, help each other shower, and so on. Can also have this as an area while showering together to talk(another place for lore drops).
3. If day cycles work for now then keep it nut will probably have to switch to day/week cycles.
4. Equal attention/more focused- This one I say is up to you and each update. You may find one update needs equal attention as to where another may need to focus on one or more person(s). So this is more driven by the story itself.
5. Keep lore dumps as you see I mention places they can be added.
6. UI rework- I say when you can but if that is later so be it